So I don't have any photos of adult Glaucous Gulls, but I have some photos of a first cycle bird that I think could be cool to share on the blog. I wish I had some adults to share, but we'll have to do without. Adults will have the same structural features and will be very pale gray on the upperparts with white wing tips and yellow bill. Let's look at the first cycle bird though.
First cycle Glaucous Gull. Note long heavy bill, flat crown, large and stocky in size and shape, and mostly white plumage. Bill brightly bicolored, pink-based and black-tipped. February 2011. Pelagic out of Lewes, DE. [Photo by Lukas Musher] |
Glaucous Gull with Herring Gull. Note whitish plumage and wings. February 2011. Pelagic out of Lewes, DE. [Photo by Lukas Musher] |
See previous posts for species list in this photo. First cycle Glaucous Gull (center-right). Note that this bird is large and heavy-bodied with broad wings and a large pink and black bicolored bill, flat crown with bulging forehead. White with brown wash, and nearly white flight feathers. February 2011. Pelagic out of Lewes, DE. [Photo by Lukas Musher] |
Presumed "Nelson's" Gull, Herring X Glaucous Gull hybrid. Note structural features similar to pure Glaucous Gull, with darker plumage (though still rather pale), brownish flight feathers, and heavy bicolored bill. February 2011. Pelagic out of Lewes, DE. [Photo by Lukas Musher] |
Compare these photos with first cycle Iceland Gull (to come).
By Luke Musher
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